Wood city

Wood cities are clusters of buildings created entirely through telehorticulture and teratogenesis. They were most common during the time of the Irsidu civilization, and are popular among their extant remnants such as the Peace and Temple Irsidu. However, they are also commonly used in smaller towns in heavily wooded areas, particularly if telehorticulture is a major part of the local economy.

In a wood city, the buildings are living things formed by modifying the growth of local trees. This modification has two aspects. First, the shape of the trees are modified to form walls, floors, and ceilings. This means the trees are altered from their normal round cross section into a flatter shape that covers more surface area. This is accomplished through teratogenesis, as the trees are basically being incrementally shapeshifted.

Second, the growth rate of the trees is increased while the buildings are under construction, and the overall size of the trees is often increased as well. This is accomplished through telehorticulture, as vegetation in the surrounding land is harnessed to accelerate the growth of those trees that are to form buildings.

Other types of plants besides trees can be harnessed in a wood city. In smaller villages, it is common to see buildings formed out of giant gourds.

Wood cities are one of the few types of conurbations to make extensive use of glow bulbs as a light source.

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