
Suncrystals are magical crystals that store light. This is done using a reversible form of substance transmutation: light is converted into heat as it is absorbed by the crystal. Unlike the effect of merely shining light on a black surface, light absorbed by a suncrystal creates a transmutation residue that facilitates the reverse transformation. When the light source is removed, the suncrystal begins to convert ambient heat into light.

The main application of suncrystals is in street lighting. A suncrystal placed outdoors will invariably absorb enough light during the day to remain lit throughout the night. Suncrystals are simpler to produce than magma lanterns and create less thermal stress, so they tend to require less maintenance. They also do not create a fire hazard, as magma lanterns do.

Suncrystals are also useful in vehicle lighting, as they are completely portable and are not affected by movement during operation. However, because they must be charged by sunlight and create a relatively weak light, arc lanterns are preferred for this application.

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