Repeater blowgun

Repeater blowguns are simple mundane ranged weapons, favored by the Temple Irsidu for their portability and rate of fire.

A repeater blowgun consists of a pipe with a sealable side hatch. The side hatch is attached to a clip containing prepared darts (darts with wadding attached). Sliding the clip along the pipe opens the hatch, loads a dart into the pipe, then closes the hatch again. The result is a weapon that can shoot as fast as its wielder can breathe.

Repeater blowguns, like any other type of blowgun, are not very powerful, and thus have limited value as military weapons. However, they become deadly when the darts are poisoned. If the targets are not wearing heavy armor, any skin contact is potentially lethal.

The Irsidu use of these weapons is largely based on how well they fit with their standard fighting tactics. Irsidu like to fight from treetop level, taking advantage of the superior climbing abilities of their half-serpent form compared to normal humans. This allows them to avoid melee combat while bombarding their enemies with ranged fire from a few yards range, at which blowguns are a very effective weapon.

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